Filming AGAIN!
We're at it again!. today we filmed once more. except unlike last time we actually went to Mac's house. Mac told me and the actors that she has two bedrooms we could use to film the different scenes and certain shots. Once we reached Mac's house we went straight to her guest bedroom and began filming backwards. rather than filming the scenes chronologically like how they were listed in the story board and script. We worked backwards filming the scenes that had high priority. Dream wasn't able to stay long unlike me and Paulanka because her mom had a limited schedule and had to pick her up at 5. school had let out around 3 which barely gave us 2 hours to film. we had to make the most of our time especially since the deadline was fast approaching. we began filming the scene where dream walks into her house and goes to her bedroom. This was actually one of the last scenes but it was the only one that featured just dream alone. The scene portrayed her walking up to her bedroom door, and then openeing the door from both sides. we used two different clips to show this. then we recorded dream walking into the room. Another cut, and then her walking up to her stuff another cut, and then her picking up her stuff. From here we recorded dream taking her stuff to "her bed" and then we used a tilt shot to reveal that she had actually been stalking paulanka this entire time and had pictures of her all over her wall. we then filmed a scene of dream looking in the mirror with a picture of paulanka stapled to it. this showed how dream was trying to be like her. After those priority scenes we were able to focus on filming the flashback scenes in mac's bedroom. We filmed the flashback scenes on macs bed and we put to use the point of view shot and the over the shoulder shot. we also used a God's eve view shot to show dream and paulanka laying down. afterwards we filmed the leaving scene from when Dream leaves Paulanka's house.
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