Film review blog

 So today I had my chemistry teacher review my film overall she said she liked it. I reached out to her during study hall and had her watch it. It want fully edited yet so obviously i didn't have my expectations to high. I was shocked to find out that she actually really liked our movie and the plot as well. She didn't have many critics besides the obvious but one thing she did recommend was changing the placement of the mirror clip. she agreed with me that it didn't really fit and she even advised cutting it out of the movie. but i really liked it so we compromised. the initial placement of the clip was at the end just before the film ended. But Ms. Ruwe recommended putting it in between the over the shoulder scene with dream drawing x's on paulanka's face and the scene with the tilt shot showing dreams room/work space. she said it would help convey the scene as a montage so that the audience would not be too hung up on the fact that the end is not as chronological as the beginning. I haven't tried editing it that way yet but I trust her judgement. Its so refreshing to know that I'm almost completely done with the final task.


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