Editing once again

 Today we're editing once again. Yay -_- so basically me and Macaria are practically done with our project. we've put all the clips together. now the only thing left to do is put the clips together and add music. Overall, its really not that bad but its still kind of stressful. I decided to handle organizing the clips, which I enjoy taking over myself. But I'm afraid it might be stressing her out. She's really good at managing her time and getting projects done ahead of time, and i tend to procrastinate so this is where we're really clashing. So far I have been able to create a montage of the clips we filmed in the park. that's our last major part. basically I arranged them vertically before each clip slides down and portrays fun times between dream and Paulanka. I'm thinking that we should add lighthearted music during those parts to lighten the mood before we drastically reveal the true genre  of the film. But for now I think its best to prioritize the specifics before adding extra bells and whistles. Its actually been really hard to make time for media studies lately. With the combined stress of my other AICE classes its been difficult for me to focus solely on one thing for a long period of time. I also play lacrosse and have to go to practice every week day. so that limits my schedule by a lot because by the time I'm done with practice its almost 8 at night. my time has been jam packed with my different extracurriculars and been low on sleep. Blogging about this is not to get sympathy but instead to just disclose a more private part of my life. But its fine, ill be fine. I'll have the project done by he 15th so it's best not to stress about it.


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