Title Website Research
Art of the title
This website specializes is movie title sequences. the homepage of the website first shows a collection of Emmy nominations for main title design. The homepage also has two drop down bars at the top of the screen. When you click these drop down bars your able to uncover the different categories of movie sequences opening. There categorized by genre, off to the side there is a section that has a link that leads to all of the opening sequences on the website. When you click on a movie sequence your first shown to the sequence itself, but when you scroll down you discover a general description of what the movie or show is about. A rundown of the sequences follows afterwards. The rundown discusses schematics, the production team, and how it relates to the plot of whatever piece of film the opening belongs to. Me and Macaria would be using this website to research the different opening sequences for the different genres so that we can get a better understanding of the genre that we're doing.
Watch The Titles
When you first open this website your shown to a moving slide that has the first 3 seconds of a movie sequence before it switches to the next one at the top are drop down bars an a search bar. These bars help find movie sequences in different genres or categories. when you scroll down you can find interviews from different people who we can assume helped to create some of those movie sequences. When you go down even further you can find the popular movie sequences ranging from featured films, to tv shows, to event titles, student projects, video games and so on. Me and Mac would use this website to find the background behind the movie sequences.
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