Title Design Research: Horror

  The first opening sequence i watched is from the horror film "Seven".  The title sequence consists of 16 titles. The title's include of the production group, film title, film director, actors, casting, music, costume designer, editor, production designer, photography director, co-producers, co-executive producers, executive producers, writer, producer and director.The images in this opening sequence carry a mysterious and unsettling connotation. The sequence consists of somebody working on a huge project while crossing out certain words from a book and multiple pictures of people. It gives off the impression that the person is going to hurt them. Theres also props like fake blood and blades used to create this fearful feeling within the audience. The film uses technical codes seen in horror like low lighting and close up camera angles. It also follows symbolic code of horror films by creating a mysterious and suspenseful mood. The main convention that distinguishes horror from other genres is the implement of fear. I was able to tell that this was a horror film just from the conventions used in the title sequence. Here are some examples, the identity of the character is hidden. This title sequence does not show the characters face what so ever, it focuses on the hands of the actor and the project they're working on. It also doesn't present the setting that the film is taking place in, raising questions for the audience. 


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