Title Design Research: Comedy
There are 16 titles throughout this title sequence. The title's in this film consist of the picture company, production company, film company, film title, the actors, costume designer, music and song artists, music supervisors, co-producers, film editor, production designer, photographer director, executive producers, producers, writers, and directors. The images hold a positive connotation. It consists of trees, leaves, and other elements of nature seen in everyday life. The images of the main character walking through a neighborhood sidewalk is a relatable experience. The cartoon like drawings also have a realistic appeal to them. The film uses costume to relate to the audience. The main character is wearing a casual outfit with worn out shoes which is stereotypical for a teenage girl. There are many different camera angles used that show a different perspective of the character, including eye level and high angle shots. These represent a different level of power that the main character holds. high angle shots are often used to describe a character that is powerless. The film reaches its target audience by including teen actors. This is a main tribute that certain audience members can relate to. It also includes the use of a drug store which certain audience members may find appealing or humorous.
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