Planning Blog

  Location- Hagen park, Dairy Queen, Macaria's House. 

Time- We will film from 3:00- 5:30 on Tuesday 3/1. We will film from 2:00-5:00 at my house on 3/6. 


  • We will start filming all the scenes at the park and Dairy queen on Tuesday 3/1 and we will reserve Tuesday 3/7 just in case we haven't finished filming the park scenes. 
  • We will film the scenes at my house on Sunday 3/6  and reserve 3/13 as a backup date for the scenes at my house. 
  • We will start editing on Monday 3/17 and continue until the 3/28 

Actors- Paulanka Bastien and Dream Grant 

Props- The main prop we will use is a diary. We will also use pictures of the characters incorporated in the end of the film. 

Costume- They will be wearing casual wear. Paulanka's outfit will change throughout the film as she's trying to imitate Dream. 

Health and safety- My parents will be supervising us at the park with a first aid kit present. They will also be home while we are filming so our safety should be ensured. We are also taking Covid precautions. Our film team will be wearing masks and the actors will only take their masks off while we are filming the scenes. All actors and film team are vaccinated. 

Filming- Macaria Linarez-Castillo and Sarah Samuels 

Editing- Macaria Linarez-Castillo and Sarah Samuels

Directing- Macaria Linarez-Castillo and Sarah Samuels

Backup plan- If something stops us from filming at Hagen park, we can film at Heritage of Fig tree park which are both public parks near my House. We also have many days and backup days reserved for filming so if the weather acts up we have alternate dates. For example, if it's raining i could film the scene taking place in Macaria's house instead of the park. 


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