Genre Research: Unfriended
I watched the film "Unfriended" streamed on Netflix. Common costumes throughout this film is casual wear. This makes the film seem more realistic and relatable. Diegetic sound is also common throughout this film. The sound of foot steps and clicking on a computer is used a lot. Incidental Music is also very common. It's used in specific scenes to build tension. The entire movie is filmed at night time and has low lighting. The main prop throughout this film is a computer. A knife and fake blood is also used. Point of view shots are seen many times throughout this film. The entire film is shot from a computer screen which limits the amount of different camera angles used. When it comes to dialogue, a lot of it consisted of verbal commotion between the characters. I like how realistic the "video chat" seemed throughout the entire film. I disliked all of the commotion between the characters because it created a stressful feeling for the audience instead of a feeling of thrill.
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