Filming once again
We ended up filming before we decided so that if things don't work out this time we can still film that Friday. so basically after school on Wednesday we went to dairy queen with Dream and Paulanka. we filmed the meet up scene. We broke up the scene into 3 different clips one showed the girls meeting up for the second time. we had to film that slip at least 3 times because dream kept laughing and we couldn't get the words to sound right. We also weren't able to pull up the script so that made the filming that much more difficult. after that introduction scene we had to film the part where dream drops her notebook that contains stalker photos of Paulanka. We decided to show dream walking up to follow paulanka using a tracking shot and then cut the clip. And then recorded a clip of dream "accidentally" dropping the journal using a Dutch shot. We plan on slowing down that clip when we edit. that way we can really emphasize the dropping of the journal. After th...